Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 9

Really super day. Started our morning with more painting. Only one more day to go so we had plenty to be doing, to be sure the project is finished when we leave.
We found out when we arrived that one of the student's mothers had invited us to her home to have cake, and juice, to say thank you for all that we were doing to decorate the kindergarten. It was quite something since most of the families in the area do no have a lot of money, and clearly live at a poverty level of existence. They take their laundry to a communal sink.
We have an opportunity each day to play with the children, and since we are always taking photos, we are always besieged by them each time to see the pictures we took. I am going to put photos on a CD for the teacher so they can show the children. One of the games involves sitting in a circle and one person goes around the circle patting each one on the head saying a word which changes when they get to the person they want to 'tag' That person gets up and the 2 of them have to run around the others to see who can reach the empty space first and sit down. Then it repeats til everyone has had a turn.
It is going to be a sad day when we say our final farewells tomorrow.
Back to homebase for lunch, a program evaluation with the program manager and then a local woman who does weaving came to give a demonstration. We had another opportunity to go the the town center for a look around before heading back to dinner.Afterwards one of the guys on the staff gave some of us Salsa (dance ) lessons. Lots of laughter and some of us made some headway, but I know I won't ever be winning any prizes.

Day 8

mid week on the project. We have a couple more walls to go.Tia, one of the gals in our group had the idea to paint a world on one of the walls and it's turning out beautifully. I'll have picture of it finished soon. Most of the children are becoming more used to us now, and aren't as hesitant about approaching us. We are remembering their names more. They are so sweet, and every time we take their photos they rush right over to see it. Thank goodness for digital cameras. We are able to converse a little with them in Spanish, and it's very cute when we mis-pronounce a word, the immediately correct us! I was saying the name of one of the girls who name is Jasmine, with the emphasis on the first syllable, she looked at me and said - in no uncertain terms...JasmINE!
Back to the house for lunch, and a free afternoon. A local travel agent came and I and my 4 room mates-Jasmine,Jen, Lisa and MaryAnn have been able to book a trip to Antigua - the ancient capital of, not only Guatemala, but all Central America at one time. We're leaving here on Friday after lunch so we're all looking forward to that.
Afterwards we took a taxi to the center to see the cathedral, and do a bit of souvenier shopping in the local market. Lots of very colorful stuff around.