Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 3 - Friday

Slept til 6am...guess I had some catching up to do.....only got about 3-4 hours sleep the night before while I was travelling. My good fortune today is that the hotel offers free internet, and since where ever I go, so goes my MAC, have been able to check email, and thanks to Skype, phone and chat to various family and friends. It's a fabulous program to have.
After breakfast....a good one at that: omelet, fresh fruit including pineapple, papaya, watermelon, toast and great Guatemalan coffee!! I took a taxi to the city center. I'd have just as soon taken a local bus but the hotel folks didn't recommend it. Went to the Tourist information office for a map and info on what to see, and proceeded to walk to the various sites. Hafta say tho that there doesn't really seem to be all that much to see. The only things listed on the map are government buildings - which you can't enter, or they're not of interest, to me anyway - and about a dozen museums. I headed for the area where some of the museums, and the cathedral were shown on the map. Wandered around the main square, known as Plaza de Constitution, and where the cathedral is situated. There was a very large building on one side - looked intriguing, and think it was the National Palace of Culture and museum, so thought that might be interesting and informative. However, when I approached the guard at the entrance, apparenly can't enter without ID so that was that!
It it occured to me afterwards, maybe I didn't find the right entrance. Thought I'd check out the cathedral, but it wasn't open! what to do?? Wandered around looking for the National History Museum. Never did find it. Sooooo decided to eat lunch, (at Wendy's no less) after which I discovered that the cathedral was now open. Go figure! For a major cathederal in a major Central American city it wasn't anywhere near as ornate inside as many I've seen. It was interesting to see - as i walked the various streets, how retail business is conducted. Lots of street vendors, selling everything from shoes, to shirts, ladies underwear, fresh cut fruit, various ethic foods, some of which looked delicious, but I was mindful of the advice not to eat it - possible sanitation issues. I took photos, naturally! and hope to be able to post some here. There are some lovely old buildings around -from colonial days, tho many have fallen into disrepair. Over all I'm left with the impression it's not a very pretty city, at least from all that I saw today.


  1. What an adventure you will have. It all sounds so interesting. I will enjoy reading about it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Mahum,

    This is a great blog! You're a natural. I look forward to reading it daily and learning of your experiences in Guatemala. Thanks for sharing. Love you! - Lila
