Friday, February 13, 2009

Guatemala- intro

This is my first attempt at ‘blogging’ and I thought my visit to Guatemala where I'll be volunteering for a week, and sightseeing for another, might be interesting to record. I will be taking tons of photos I’m sure....(what’s new about that, I can hear some of my friends saying!!) Well I guess I do kinda go overboard sometimes but it will be great to have them for some future trips down memory lane.
Here's a map showing where Guatemala is for those whose geography is a bit hazy. It's bordered by Mexico, Belize, El Salvador and Honduras, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and Caribbean Sea to the east.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Lynne
    You are amazing. It seems as if you are having a ball. I would be up to do that some times. How do you find all of these interesting things to do. We miss you.
